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Attendance and Punctuality

At Queens’ we believe that attending school regularly is one of the foundations of successful learning, helping to prepare students for the world of work and adult life.

Notification must be provided by parents/carers for all absences from school. The decision as to whether to authorise the absence rests with the school.

Years 7-11:
Sixth Form:

Authorised Absence

This includes illness and urgent medical/dental treatment. The school may authorise an absence for illness if it has received an explanation from a parent/carer. Letters regarding absence and, where applicable, medical certificates should be given to the Attendance Officer.

Medical or dental treatment that is either urgent or cannot be made outside school hours can also be authorised. However, attempts should be made for most routine dental or GP appointments to be made outside of school hours. Parents/carers are encouraged to inform the school prior to these appointments, preferably in writing.

Unauthorised Absence

Any absence where the school does not receive information from the family or when the reason for the absence is one that the school cannot authorise because it is not a valid reason for non-attendance is an unauthorised absence. For example, waiting for a delivery, shopping or babysitting for younger children are all reasons that are used to explain absence but are not good reasons for missing school.

Leave of Absence in Term Time

If parents/carers need to take a child out of school during term time, permission must be sought in advance in writing from the Headteacher by completing the Request for Absence Form, found at the bottom of this page. Leave will be refused unless 'exceptional circumstances' can be demonstrated. No authorisation will be given for the purpose of a holiday.

Even in such cases where 'exceptional circumstances' are shown, leave of absence will be refused where the child has a poor attendance record or would be absent during an important stage of their education e.g. exams.