Queens' School is an Academy, which is a company limited by guarantee and registered in the UK with company number 07650609. There are two tiers of governance:
The Members oversee governance of the Academy Trust. They have rights and powers under company law similar to those of shareholders in a company limited by shares. Members of the Academy Trust, however, do not have rights of ownership in the company like shareholders because the profits of the company cannot be distributed to them. However, the Members can control changes in the constitution (subject to DfE approval) and other fundamental decisions relating to the Academy Trust, as well as approving the financial statements and the appointment of the external auditor. Members also have rights to appoint and remove Trustees.
- Mrs Yvonne Adshead
- Mrs Catherine Agnihotri
- Mr Ash Patil
- Mrs Gillian Gray
- Mrs Aideen Ward
The Trustees are responsible for the strategic direction of the school and the oversight of its day-to-day management -- a role which is delegated to them by the Members. Trustees have the same legal duties and responsibilities as company directors, and also duties under charity law as charitable trustees. The board of Trustees meets regularly to receive reports from the school and exercise independent oversight of its activities.
The board of trustees does not run the school. That is the job of the Headteacher and the Leadership Team. Rather, the Trustees provide independent oversight of the school and how it is run. The school is required to report to the Trustees on various aspects of management and planning and, by acting as 'critical friends', the Trustees can give the school an invaluable sounding board.
Some aspects of the Trustees' role in the school are laid down by law. For example, the Trustees are required to approve the school budget, as well as the school's targets for progress and attainment in GCSE and other public exams. In addition, if the school decides to exclude a student permanently, that decision has to be reviewed by an independent panel of Trustees.
Chair of Trustees - Sian Henry
- Ms Sian Henry (Chair of Trustees, Parent Trustee)
- Mr Jayesh Patel (Vice Chair, Curriculum & Staffing Committee, Parent Trustee)
- Mrs Carole Watson (Vice Chair of Trustees, Member Appointed Trustee)
- Mr Rakesh Patel (Co-Chair, Finance, Premises, Audit and Risk Committee, Parent Trustee)
- Mr Andrew Filer (Co-Chair, Finance, Premises, Audit and Risk Committee, Parent Trustee)
- Mr Stephen Clarke (Parent Appointed Trustee)
- Mr Theo Tsokos (Parent Appointed Trustee)
- Mrs Susan Gorton (Member Appointed Trustee)
- Mrs Julie Raybould (Member Appointed Trustee)
- Mrs Kamni Kallah (Staff Trustee)
- Mr Jonathan Morrell (Ex Officio Trustee)
- Mr Shahmeen Purdasy (Co-Opted Trustee)
- Mrs Michelle Alpern (Member Appointed Trustee)
Clerk to the Trustees
- Mrs Tracey Middleton
Terms of Office, Roles and Interests
Governance Term of Office
Trustee Declaration of Interest
Committees Terms of Reference
Much of the regular business of the school is considered by governors in specialist committees which take reports, analyse information and discuss issues in detail providing clear advice and guidance. They meet each half-term and report back to the Full Governing Body with actions and recommendations. There are two such committees at Queens’:
- Curriculum and Staffing
- Finance, Premises, Audit and Risk
Curriculum and Staffing Committee Terms of Reference 2023 – 2024
Finance, Premises, Audit and Risk Committee Terms of Reference 2023 – 2024